CEO Collegiate Conference Notes (Fall 2017)
Leadership Session# 1
The purpose of this session was to determine what kind of leader you are. The idea is to double down on your strengths and lead with your strengths and delegate what you’re not good at. Through doing these exercises I found that. …
I am a moderate risk taker, networker, achievement oriented, alert to opportunities, creative, decisive, energetic, strong work ethic and optimistic.
That being said I will do my best to get better at recognizing these strengths and building on them.
Leadership Session #2
Dress Well
Provide, Motivate and Inform
The key ingredient is your use of story.. “Ever notice how so many great companies started in a garage? I call this the garage story line.”
Paint the picture by what you can do for them.
Business is the business of people will tell you when people open your emails. This is critical for understanding your audience and gauging your engagement.
Prove your Path and your Proof of concept
Reveal how you plan to see yourself growing with your target market
If you’re looking for investors you can contact You can find out more about this company and what they do on there website at
Another tip when going to raise money is to make sure you develop a board of directors.
Leadership Session #3 (Short)
Lead by example. Take your values seriously to motivate others. Inspire a shared vision. Leaders Challenge the process and enable others to act. Know how those within your team like to receive recognition.
Who is someone who has lead the way by example in your life?
What is it about this person that has led you to believe they are the best example?
Other Notes and Takeaways
Bert Gervais - 607-206-9589
Bert was one of the leading directors and speakers of this event. He was very energetic and knew how to conduct himself and the room. I was a photographer at this event and I remember having a few interactions with him but I do remember that he told me I struck him as a competitive individual. I’m not exactly sure where he got that vibe from but regardless he provided a lot of value to everyone that weekend. Cool guy. was one of the other program directors and he’s also a very business oriented and driven individual.