8-14-19 Crypto Currency



Quite a few, if not the majority of alt coins are seeing their all time lows. The minute BTC hits the peak of it’s next parabolic move and begins to trend downward. I could foresee large capital investors looking to diversify their money (and gains) into other viable projects (*enters altcoins).. I really do still think that ETH is very undervalued. So is XRP, so is EOS, LINK and as a short term play for those of you who currently have access to the TRADITIONAL Binance. I believe that TRX will be added to USA Binance and when this happens we can expect at least a 15%-20% gain. 

I would really appreciate some speculation on...

- MONERO (I almost want to say I like Monero better than LTC in the very near future)

- NEO (I like their dividends)

- QTUM (is this somehow related to Quantum computers???)

- ENJ (other than gaming what use cases does this have/ what are their key differentiators?)

- BAT (I like this project, has anyone started using the Brave browser yet?)

- IOTA (don’t know much about this)

- DASH (another coin that’s frequently got my attention)

Other Questions:

- What are some other coins that pay regular dividends? Jaume  

- Do any of you currently mine crypto currency AND/OR personally know someone who is?

- WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE INDICATORS? (Don’t be afraid to elaborate, we’re all here to learn)

Other Notes:

- I don’t like LTC and they haven’t had very many good news releases lately. I think LTC will lose it’s correlation with BTC when investors start realizing what the other coins in the market mean

- Thank you Remy for showing me ByBit.. I just wish they had more than 4 coins on their exchange 


To all of the members of CRYPTO KINGS that are actively involved. I would like to say THANK YOU for your contributions to the continued success of everyone here. 

#SeeYouOnTheMoon 🔥🚀 #PrayForParabolic 🙏🏼📈

Matt Greezicki